Having Problems With Your Emails Getting Opened? Read On…..

One of the most important ways businesses can increase revenue is by improving the Life Time Value per customer. This is done by getting existing clients (subscribers, followers) to come back and buy more products or services.

Businesses typically do this by sending email newsletters about upcoming promotions and events information to keep their subscribers updated and entice them to return by providing value.

However, businesses are noticing that their emails:

  • Aren’t reaching the intended recipients
  • Are automatically going into the recipients’ Spam or Promotions folder
  • Are getting lost among all the other emails in their recipients’ email in-boxes

So how do you solve the problem of lower email reach and open rates?

Enter Facebook Messenger ChatBots!

Messenger bots are 3rd party applications that integrate with FB Messenger and allow businesses to:

  1. Create a Messenger Subscribers list by allowing people to opt-in and then be able to
  2. Broadcast messages to people who have subscribed to your bot

Chatbot Messenger Notification

When a business owner broadcasts a message to their messenger subscribers, they receive a notification on the mobile phones just as when a friend sends a message to them via FB Messenger.

Subscribers can opt-out at any point to stop receiving your messages if they feel they are being spammed with irrelevant messages.

You can also segment subscribers into different groups and broadcast messages that each group would find relevant.

For example realtors could create a subscriber list of real estate investors and broadcast them the latest property listings that  investors would find interesting.




Why should you as a business owner care?

  1. According to Hubspot Research FB Messenger and WhatsApp are the largest messenger apps in the world. Both are owned by Facebook! A billion people have Facebook Messenger installed on their mobile phones.

Facebook Messenger Adoption - Chatbot

2) The open rate of Facebook Messenger is much higher than those of emails.

Open Rate of Messenger vs Email

Email vs Messenger Open and CTR Rates


3) Opportunity Cost of not taking action

What would happen if the open rate of the messages you send improved by a factor of 3 and the Average Click Through Rate (CTR) improved by a factor of 7? How would that affect your your business? If you’ve been tracking your performance of your past email marketing campaigns, you could probably extrapolate from past performance what kind of improvement to expect. The difference in improvement is your opportunity cost.

Now this does not mean that you completely do away with email marketing. It’s highly recommended that businesses have an email subscriber list of their own outside of social media platforms just in case their social media account gets compromised or shut down for any reason.


In general messenger bots are ideal for businesses who depend on their emails getting opened  to achieve their marketing goals and have subscribers / followers who don’t want to miss updates about upcoming training sessions, webinars, software updates, newsletters, events, promotions, neighborhood news, etc.

Ideal for:

eCommerce sites, associations, professional organizations, local businesses with avid fans(loyalty program), politicians, not-for-profits, local chamber of commerce, event organizers, realtors, mortgage brokers, coaches, startups, local governments, churches,

If your opportunity cost of not taking action is significant and would like to discuss implementing a Facebook Messenger Bot solution for your business, you can schedule a 30 minute call by clicking on this link.



Colin Gonsalves MBA, OMCP is the owner of CG Digital Marketing. He is an experienced digital marketing strategist helping businesses grow through proven client acquisition and retention strategies.

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