Need Results Oriented Digital Marketing to support your Business Success?

Is your website generating leads and sales for you?

Are you confused and overwhelmed  by digital marketing?

Too busy running your business to keep up with the ever-changing digital marketing landscape?

Is your digital strategy contributing all it could to your success? 

Many businesses have it all wrong when it comes to websites and digital marketing. They focus on flashy looks and vanity metrics such as page views and likes when they should be focusing on leads, sales, retention and profits.


Download this information-packed eBook and:

  1. Learn how your website can help increase revenue
  2. Quickly assess the efficacy of your website to help you reach your business goals with the included 14 point checklist.

Subscribe to get this FREE eBook AND your 14 point checklist NOW!!

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Colin Gonsalves - Digital Marketing Consultant

Hi, I'm Colin Gonsalves a Chicago based Online Marketing Certified Professional (OMCP®) specializing in generating leads, sales and profits for small to medium sized businesses.

I can help craft and implement a customized digital marketing strategy to meet your business goals. While you are spending time growing your business, I can help manage your online marketing campaigns, save money and bring new customers by providing the services listed below:

Social Media Marketing

Increase discovery and virality of your content through SMM while tracking effectiveness of each platform and engage where your customers are.

Search Engine Optimization

Rank higher and increase conversions by making your website easy for potential customers and search engines to find through SEO and local SEO strategies.

Advanced Web Analytics

This service includes analytics setup and monitoring website and social media metrics that directly affect your business objectives.

Email Marketing

Build trust through nurture emails converting prospects into customers & turning existing customers into repeat customers.

Pay Per Click

See quick results by designing ads that drive qualified visitors with a ‘ready to buy’ mindset to the most relevant landing page on your website.

Content Strategy

Save time and hassle of creating content. We’ll craft unique optimized content with targeted keywords that will generate traffic for your website.