Get More New Clients!!

Tired of trying mailers, TV ads, wasting time on social media platforms and not knowing if your marketing dollars is bringing you new patients?

This is where I come in. I help small business owners only focus on digital marketing strategies that bring in a positive return on investment for their marketing dollars.

How It Works

  • We set up time to speak over the phone or via Skype about your practice.
  • We'll identify the services that bring in the most profits for your practice and get to know the target audience for those services.
  • I'll run Facebook ad campaigns which includes creating the ads, crafting promotions that will get clients calling you, targeting the ads to people who will find your services relevant and monitoring the ads for optimization.
  • Every week you'll get a report showing how much you spent and the revenues /leads generated as a result of the ad
  • I'll work with your webmaster and social media person to set up the tracking and everything else that needs to be done.
  • You and your staff can just focus on providing your patients the best care while I focus on getting you new clients on a consistent basis.


Why work with me?

You are probably already noticing that it is becoming harder and harder to reach your fans organically. This is because Facebook algorithms are limiting your reach to 2% - 5% of your fans to incentivize you to pay to boost your posts and run facebook ads. More small business owners like Pam are starting to see successes from their facebook ads campaigns. Your local competition could already be  running facebook ads and taking away market share. You don’t want to be near the tail end of this trend. You can focus on what you do best i.e. providing the best care for your clients while I focus on managing your Facebook ads and getting your more clients. I can be your guide through the digital marketing jungle. You don’t need the hassle of keeping up-to-date about the ever changing features of Facebook in addition to your business..  

By working with me you will be working with someone who has already proven that Facebook ads can be run successfully for small businesses. You won’t be wasting your marketing dollars with me.

So……..Are you wanting 2017 to be significantly better than 2016 for your practice?

If you would like me to help make this happen for you click the ‘Apply’ button to tell me a little me about your goals and schedule a call. I have set aside some time during the next couple of weeks to speak with practice owners who are looking to significantly increase their revenue for 2017. I currently have capacity to take on 7 more clients. I look forward to speaking with you.

My No-Brainer, Low-Risk Offer!

I will run your ads for FREE for a couple of week. You just pay for the ads ($150 - $200). When the trial period ends, after you're are blown away by the results you can decide whether you want to continue on a monthly basis. Since I only want happy client and like to earn my clients' trust, you're never locked into a contract. You just pay the monthly ad management fee and cost of the ads for as long as you want to continue using my services.   I strive to make sure my clients see the best return on their marketing dollars. If you are looking for someone who will be your guide in the digital marketing jungle and is focused on getting your trackable and provable results, click on the button below to schedule a call with me.

Colin Gonsalves MBA, Online Marketing Certified Professional

Digital Marketing Strategist, CG Digital Marketing